As one of our fellow blogger suggested, I would now like to introduce all of you to another independant topic of "Manual Transmitted Engines, Automatic Transmitted Engines and Dual-Clutch Transmission". Firstly, we would explore why do cars need transmission? The answer mainly relies on the physics of the gasoline engine. Any engine by its own has a redline where a maximum rpm value above which the engine cannot go without exploding. In addition to this, engines have narrow rpm ranges where horsepower and torque are at their maximum, for instance, an engine might produce its maximum horsepower at 5500 rpm. The transmission allows the gear ratio between the engine and the drive wheels to change as the car speeds up and slows down. Gears is being shift so the engine can stay below the redline and near the rpm band. On the other hand, just like that of a manual transmission, the automatic transmission's primary job is to allow the engine to operate in its narrow range of speeds while providing a wide range of output speeds. Finally, there's also something in between that offers the best of both worlds, the "dual-clutch transmission" also called as the semi-automatic transmission, the "clutchless" manual transmission and the automated manual transmission. Before I end this blog, I would really appreciate you bloggers out there to add on your respective point of view in the comments and do also let us know which kind of transmission do you prefer the most. Many thanks and have a pleasant day guys..
Hey.I feel automatic transmission is really good for those are planning to have a relaxing drive without needing to change the gears millions of times.haha.And it's very useful for those who travel in places with lots of traffic congestion.But it does increase fuel consumption.Anyway, manual transmission gives a better top speed for a car and i feel it brings out the ultimate power of the car when u need it, cause u decide when to down shift or increase the gear to give out the maximum power. But tell you what, i feel the best creation in the automobile industry is the Shift-tronic technology!!I've driven cars with all three types of transmission and i really,really love the shift-tronic transmission. eventhough the excitement of changing gears with a clutch is not there but it's fun.Really fun. Keep on posting.
I personally prefer an auto transmission. Driving to work everyday with a manual car is not giving my legs a good time. So if I were to change my ride, it would definately be an auto transmission. Unless, i have enough money to get top end sport cars, then I'd get a manual one. Cause I feel we get more control over a manual car compared to the auto one.
I prefer a manual transmission because with this transmission I can controll various aspects of my engine usage.
Firstly, I can control the fuel economy of my car.When in 1st gear,the car consumes a huge amount of fuel to increase the thrust,thus puliing the car forward.Once my car starts to move,I quickly shift to 2nd gear & fuel is saved gradually.On the other hand,an auto-transmission vehicle decides by itself which gear it wants to use.
Secondly,I can acceleraten decelerate more efficiently with the direct controll of my gears.
But 4 those who want to enjoy the best of both worlds, I recommend the steptronic or triptronic gear systems.If the person wants to use auto,he just pushes the gear towards the auto lock.If he wants to use manual,he pushes the gear to the manual lock & switches his gear up & down to change gears.
Keep it up Mr.Nivin
Give me an 'auto' anyday; especially in KL traffic!
i would say auto transmission..even though u're forced to pump in some extra money for the fuel it's worth it u know ... guyz dont expect me to switch gear bumper to bumper... haha..
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