It's really anyone's dream to own and drive a high-end car with excellent engines being fitted which creates good performance. But then again fuel consumption on those types of car and engine are relatively high as well. People started finding other alternatives instead of fully depending on petroleum which can be very expensive for that matter. There's this guy named Danny Klein who has discovered or I would rather say yet to prove his theory in implementing cars running on water-gas hybrid or on water alone. So bloggers what say you on this?? Cool or what?? <---Nivin
i would say i have no idea about hybrid car.. i would reccommend u talk more on that which could give clear idea on water running car....
Yeh, we all want to drive a car which has got very excellent engine that makes us like flying in air and which consumes less fuel as well. Imllementing cars running on water gas hybrid or on wanter alone is really a great idea that you have written which may change the world to run forward by 1 step
Is that posible? if that can be done would be well done job for automobile industry!
hey dis is a great news...hehe you know we don't have to worry about pouring petrol or refilling fuel for our cars when we use it often.. as this solves the whole problem..i want to know more about this
I think it is great idea in implementing car running on water only,because this is not only less costly but also will help to solve global issues such as clean environment and global warming..i think they have to work more on it and promote this kind of cars for example through celebraties..As i heard Cameron Diaz driving a car which is running on water :)
I wouldnt know much about engines but i know that cars running on water gas hybrid can help the environment!
hello....... i had very poor idea about the car engine... but you did very good arrange... carry on...
its fantastic man.i hope this will prove that the technology is moving more faster in these days.i like the idea of hybrid cars because new innovation is always unexpected.
Your blog is good, provide the information about engine and hybird car.
Actually, it is good to use hybrid car, it will not pollute our environment but not many country is using it.
That why, hybrid car is not famous yet, unless this world is run out of petrol. It is good introduce in your blog, so that, we can see and look more information from you.
Having an own car is really good, but when think about the petrol that the car is using, it is really a problem. Petrol price nowadays become higher and higher and the tariff rate is also high. These highly expenses may lead people to find other alternative to solve it. So, the idea of cars running on water-gas hybrid or on water alone is a good suggestion. It can help to reduce the pollution made by petroleum burned in the engine too. I hope this kind of car may exist in the future.
its a good idea but the problem is "cost". Is it cost effective??? does it have any extra feature like you can run it by solar power. so can you provide more information pls.
Contary to the blog title on 'who killed the electric car', is the advent of newer technology on producing hybrid cars.
Case in example, the Tesla Roadster, a new car that's fueled entirely by electricity and could be hitting the lot just in time.
It goes zero to 60 in about four seconds. Its top speed is 130 miles per hour. And it doesn't use an ounce of gasoline.
The case where there haven't been many electric cars, is probably most car manufacturers have yet to come up with a cost effective and feasible platform to advance the technology needed for both on mileage and performance of such cars.
Early automobiles ran on electricity, as did General Motor's ill-fated and quickly abandoned EV1, which debuted in the 1990s and died soon thereafter.
The Prius, perhaps the best-known hybrid car plus now joining in the bandwagon is Honda Civic Hybrid (recently launched in Malaysia), have successfully marketed its cars worldwide made impact of both practicality and prudent petrol comsumption but sadly, not on performance just yet.
But with the Tesla Roadster where in just four years and after raising a mere $105 million, a pittance compared to the huge costs of running a car company, Tesla Motors has managed to build an electric car that will be ready for sale in October 2007.
Given that big carmakers spend as much as $500 million, and in some cases $1 billion, developing a car, how did Tesla do it so cheaply?
For starters, Tesla wants to build only 1,000 cars a year. So the Silicon Valley startup spent a tiny fraction on up-front development and tools to make parts.
For another, it outsources nearly all of its components to hold down costs. Major components for the $98,000 roadster, which is 100% electric and can go from 0 to 60 in less than four seconds, are shipped from all over the world to a plant owned and managed by Lotus Cars in Hethel, England.
Finally, a hybrid car that is both prudent in comsumption but yet excel in performance. Cost at the moment is still too high for many Malaysians but give Tesla time, and they will produce lower priced hybrid cars for all of us.
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